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Genopets is Pioneering the Move-to-Earn NFT Gaming Sector

Wait around long enough and someone will introduce an NFT concept that reminds you why this space is so exciting. About a month ago, we were blown away by a project called Genopets that was pioneering the Move-to-Earn gaming concept. It was the first NFT project we’d ever heard

Genopets is Pioneering the Move-to-Earn NFT Gaming Sector

How Adobe Plans to Eliminate NFT Fraud

Dozens of digital artists are finding their artwork listed on OpenSea without having ever created an OpenSea account. And that’s just the people who’ve caught it. With digital art sites like Behance boasting millions of art portfolios, I imagine that there are thousands of creators whose work is

How Adobe Plans to Eliminate NFT Fraud

Why Daniel Allan is the Best Case Study for Music NFTs

Back in September 2021, we created a case study on Daniel Allan (which you can view here [] at the 9-minute mark of the video). At the time, Daniel was a pioneer of Music NFTs – selling 50% of his next album’s royalties in the

Why Daniel Allan is the Best Case Study for Music NFTs

Associated Press NFTs – 175 Years of Iconic Photos Are Being Tokenized

Time and Fortune have set an example for media brands everywhere on how to integrate their IP with the NFT market. They proved that collectors value important magazine covers throughout history and both have found ways to collaborate with popular NFT creators on new digital-native covers – Fortune did it with

Associated Press NFTs – 175 Years of Iconic Photos Are Being Tokenized

The Art of NFT Wallet Watching

What makes NFT investing so different from investing in stocks is that all trades can be tracked and viewed by the public – making every single transaction transparent. Whether you’re worth $100 or $100M, if you buy an NFT, that transaction can be viewed by anyone. This transaction transparency is

The Art of NFT Wallet Watching

6 NFT Ideas that Will Influence the Future of NFTs

The NFT community is small but strong. The Financial Times places the number of active NFT holders at around 360,000 (not including the 2 million Axie Infinity players). Some of the best ideas we’ve heard in the last couple of years have come out of this community of

6 NFT Ideas that Will Influence the Future of NFTs

Do I Trust this NFT Creator or Brand?

“Do I trust this NFT creator or brand?” It’s the first question I ask myself now before buying into an NFT project. The majority of NFT successes up to this point have relied on hype. But hype is unpredictable and often doesn’t last. It’s also very difficult

Do I Trust this NFT Creator or Brand?

Why NFT Projects Fizzle Out

One of the most demoralizing experiences as a collector is to be super-excited about something but no one else shares your interest. It’s even worse to watch a popular collectible slowly fade out of favor of the public, watching your investment dwindle to nothing… Anyone remember the fall of

Why NFT Projects Fizzle Out

Blue Chip NFTs – How Gatekeepers Will Ultimately Decide What NFTs Are Most Valuable

In the contemporary art space, there’s an invisible dance that takes place called consensus. Galleries, dealers, auction houses, collectors, and media work in unison to establish a consensus on what the most valuable, Blue Chip Art will be. Together, they set the high-end of the market. Naturally, the NFT

Blue Chip NFTs – How Gatekeepers Will Ultimately Decide What NFTs Are Most Valuable

What makes a Blue Chip NFT?

Every NFT collector would love to know for certain which NFT projects will attain "Blue Chip" status in the future – blue-chip meaning assets whose values rise above the rest of the market, operate outside of the general market swings, and are just generally viewed as premier assets. Furthermore,

What makes a Blue Chip NFT?